Deep Freeze

Deep Freeze word for some computer users may already be familiar, but for some more of course there are those who do not know about what it is Deep Freeze.? Yes I own just to know about Deep Freeze, the first I thought that Deep Freeze is a game (knowingly little gamer) because I can master in a PC in the cafe (Public Internet) when I'm browsing. When at home I immediately installed but no effect, there are no programs that running, but my PC immediately restarts it self. Shock fitting the next day when my PC would start for play to next stage the game back to the origin, after calibaration have calibaration application was because of Deep Freeze.
After browsing to the Uncle Google just know if Deep Freeze is an application that functions to restore the computer to factory settings when the application is in pairs. Deep Freeze is a software block restore a company created by Faronics, Faronics never heard the word.? Yes Faronics is a company engaged in the manufacture of software. Deep freeze is in created to preserve and organize the files you want in the store permanently, especially on the Local disk sytem. How it works deep freeze is a freeze of all files residing on the computer the first time installation of this program. Programs can be changed only when you use a computer, if the computer on restart / shutdown the file that you will change back to the first setting as before the restart, not just the files that will be right again when you install this application.
To use Deep Freeze your computer should be divided at least 2 partitions of partitions "master" for the installation of computer systems such as Windows, and partition "secondary" to your files. Should just partition your system or partition only "master" because this partition is the most attacked by viruses. As for the data partition should not have to install Deep Freeze because you do not want when you restart your computer your data is lost or returned to its original position before being changed. If your computer is only a single partition or drive "C" only and no drive "D", you should not use this software unless you want to turn it into 2 (two) partitions. Also the other most important is your deep freeze password do not to forget, because it will result in very serious that you will not be able to change the settings of the Deep Freeze and even not able to uninstall, to activate / deactivate and change password on deep freeze hit Shift-Ctrl-Alt-F6 at the same time, the Deep Freeze menu will appear and then confirm the password setting menu is: Boot Frozen to activate and Boot Thawed: to deactivate the deep freeze. But do not be forgotten well before you try to install Deep Freeze your computer in a state free from firus, because if your computer is infected with the virus will be preserved on your computer.